Our Top 5 Proposal Ideas
Our Top 5 Proposal Ideas

Make her say, "YES!" - with our Top 5 Proposal ideas!

Valentine's Day is just one day away and it's obvious that love is in the air! With up to 10% of proposals happening in February, making it the second most popular month to propose, and Valentine's Day being the second most popular day to propose - make sure you're on the right path to that wonderful "I do!" and skip the cliché proposal with these five ideas:

1: Plan a treasure/scavenger hunt!

Always a crowd favorite, the treasure/scavenger hunt proposal can incorporate places she loves, along with trinkets and gifts to help show your love. So, not only are you sending her on a romantic trip down memory lane - you're showing her how much you care by actually remembering all of these small details and how/why they're important to her. If you've got the time and memory, this is our number one pick for proposal ideas.

Our Top 5 Proposal Ideas

Are you ready to start planning your scavenger hunt proposal? Don't do it alone! From the setup to the end game, let the team at Estate Diamond Jewelry help you plan it all out!

2: Get creative and go with a hands-on approach!

The kind of proposal that would make Bob Ross proud - roll up your sleeves and go full arts and crafts with your proposal to show her how much you truly care! Anyone can throw money around, but nothing says "I love you" directly from the heart more than a gift that took real effort and concentration to create. It doesn't even have to be a hand-crafted item, you could just take the time to learn a song/poem she loves and perform it for her under the twinkling twilight.

Not really a creative soul but wanna try something "artsy" anyways? Plan an at home wine and paint night, invite a few close friends, have everyone paint something of importance to her, and then propose after everyone finishes.

Our Top 5 Proposal Ideas

How crafty are you? This guy designed an entire custom-made Monopoly board for his proposal - that's some incredible talent and dedication!

3: Slip the ring on her finger when she's not looking!

Not only does this take a little stealth and planning, but you really have to know that she's going to say yes! Here's the scenario: one early early morning, you slip the ring on her finger while she's still asleep and then wake her up to an amazing breakfast in bed. That way she wakes up to A) an amazing breakfast and B) a noticeably new piece of jewelry on her hand - umm, waking up to an engagement ring and some bomb food?! Score!

Our Top 5 Proposal Ideas

Loving the idea but not really sure how to go about it? Jump into this blog, How They Asked by the Knot, where Michael pulled off the plan perfectly - spoiler alert: Kayla loved the entire thing!

4: Is she a workaholic? We've got you covered there, too! 

We all have bills to pay and goals we're trying to achieve, some of us just love to work! Regardless of the reason why, if you're trying to propose to the workaholic love of your life - we've got an idea for you!

Now, you probably can't get this set up in time for tomorrow, but here's what you do: get in contact with her boss/coworkers and have them organize a special work meeting/function at a specific location, towards the end of the work day. This way you won't have to worry about her not having enough time or trying to reschedule because of work - she'll already have the time allocated and she'll be the place for you to propose because you set it all up, you sneaky little devil!

Our Top 5 Proposal Ideas

Maybe she was early or maybe every one else was running later - either way, she never saw this coming!

5: The romantic "couples casting call".

Super cute and a little costly: hire yourself a photographer or videographer, find a romantic spot, and tell her that you sent your photos in for a couples video/photographer casting and were selected! Just imagine the smile on her face after you told her that she was beautiful enough to be selected for a couples casting AND THEN think about how big that smile will get when part way through - you get down on one knee and propose! #YoureWelcome

The guy in the video below takes it one step further and plans out an entire fake dance audition - way to set the bar!

Best of luck!

Do you have any additional tips or advice? Have you already proposed? Are you already married? Speak up and throw your two cents down in the comments below - we'd love to hear from you! 

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